Author: Dave Mack

  • Understanding Book of Mormon Geography

    Understanding Book of Mormon Geography

    It has become appar­ent to me that the rea­son why it has been impos­si­ble to pin loca­tions for the Book of Mor­mon till now is because the Book of Mor­mon men­tions six seas and the nar­row pas­sage and nar­row neck are two sep­a­rate geo­graph­ic features. The nar­row pas­sage is not…

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  • Reformed Egyptian Four Surviving Characters

    Reformed Egyptian Four Surviving Characters

    Reformed Egypt­ian In 1680 Father Chret­ian Le Cler­cq a Roman Catholic mis­sion­ary lived among the Mic­mac Indi­ans for twelve years. After spend­ing this time with the Mic­mac, he then sailed back to France and wrote a book about the cus­toms and reli­gion of the Mic­mac Indians. He helped the Mic­mac…

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  • Archeological Evidence of the West Sea Fortified Line

    Archeological Evidence of the West Sea Fortified Line

    Arche­o­log­i­cal Evi­dence of the West Sea For­ti­fied Line  The Nephites were under con­stant attack from the Laman­ite par­tic­u­lar­ly by the West Sea. To for­ti­fy against these attacks a for­ti­fied line need­ed to be built The for­ti­fied line described in the Book of Hela­man is near Boun­ti­ful and extend­ed from the West Sea…

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  • Exact Location of the Waters of Ripliancum

    Exact Location of the Waters of Ripliancum

    Ether Chap­ter 15 dis­cuss­es the end of the Jared­ite peo­ple through war. Two oppos­ing fac­tions fight until the death of all those involved. From the Book of Mor­mon we can derive the exact loca­tion of the waters of Ripliancum This loca­tion is based on the Six Sea Model http://​bookof​mor​monev​i​dence​.blogspot​.com/​2​0​1​6​/​0​9​/​a​l​m​a​-​c​h​a​p​t​e​r​-​2​2​-​b​o​m​-​m​a​p.html Ether 15 7…

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  • Archeological Evidence of the Fortified cities by the East Sea

    Archeological Evidence of the Fortified cities by the East Sea

    Arche­o­log­i­cal Evi­dence of the For­ti­fied Cities by the East Sea This evi­dence is based on the Six Sea Model http://​bookof​mor​monev​i​dence​.blogspot​.com/​2​0​1​6​/​0​9​/​a​l​m​a​-​c​h​a​p​t​e​r​-​2​2​-​b​o​m​-​m​a​p.html I will be using the Hopewell mound for­ti­fi­ca­tions found in New York State and Penn­syl­va­nia for arche­o­log­i­cal evi­dence for the for­ti­fi­ca­tions described in Alma Chap­ter 50 and refor­ti­fied in Alma Chap­ter 52. E.G…

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  • Joseph Smith and Polyandry

    Joseph Smith and Polyandry

    Of all the aspects of church his­to­ry I found polyandry to be the most sur­pris­ing and the most shock­ing. But because I hold the Book of Mor­mon to be authen­tic and brought about how Joseph Smith stat­ed. I have to give Joseph Smith the ben­e­fit of the doubt that his actions…

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  • X2A’J Bible and Book of Mormon DNA

    X2A’J Bible and Book of Mormon DNA

    DNA mark­er x2a’j is prob­a­bly the great­est DNA evi­dence for the Book of Mor­mon thus far. X2a’j is not found in North Amer­i­ca but its impor­tance to Native Amer­i­can DNA is vir­tu­al­ly unknown. It’s the 5‑ton ele­phant in the room that researcher’s geneti­cist do not want to talk about. Out­side of…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

    Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

    Final Thoughts I have spent the last two years gath­er­ing evi­dence for this doc­u­ment. It has been frus­trat­ing and exhil­a­rat­ing all at the same time. There are peo­ple I need to thank, includ­ing Wayne May and Rod Mel­drum. I also thank Wes Trexler for help­ing review and edit this material.…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Geography Map and Supporting Verses

    Tribe of Manasseh — Geography Map and Supporting Verses

    Verses and Geography supporting the North American model There are two places that we know for sure were the Book of Mor­mon took place that would be the Hill Cumorah and Zara­hem­la found across from Nau­voo (D&C 125:3). Based on were the Hill Cumorah is we can know where the…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Hebrew and Native American Ties

    Tribe of Manasseh — Hebrew and Native American Ties

    Native American Hebrew and Greek language comparisons There are exam­ples of Hebrew cus­toms, char­ac­ters, beliefs and lan­guage among Native Amer­i­cans. Accord­ing to Mor­mon, they knew how to write in Hebrew and of course had Hebrew cus­toms and beliefs (Mor­mon 9:33). The Greek lan­guage is also com­pared to the Native Amer­i­can…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Technology and Animals

    Tribe of Manasseh — Technology and Animals

    Metallurgy Hopewell gold, sil­ver, cop­per, and mete­oric iron arti­facts have been ver­i­fied by mod­ern day arche­ol­o­gist. List­ed below are pic­tures of con­firmed Hopewell arti­facts and accounts of ear­ly settlers. “Ornate plates or sheets of cop­per (Fig­ure 7), as well as effi­gies, head­dress­es (Fig­ure 8), bracelets, and rings were found in…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Native American DNA

    Tribe of Manasseh — Native American DNA

    DNA Hap­logroup X a Mid­dle East and Euro­pean DNA mark­er found in North America Hap­logroup X in DNA dis­tri­b­u­tion match­es Hopewell and Book of Mor­mon migra­tion, expanse and trade system Leg­end of Fu Sang Chi­nese knowl­edge of the North Amer­i­can continent Hap­logroups A, B, C, D, and X are found…

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