Category: Translation

  • Book of Mormon parallels to 1800s thought

    Book of Mormon parallels to 1800s thought

    Book of Mormon parallels to 1800s thought Richard Bush­man, well-known Mor­mon his­to­ri­an, recent­ly stat­ed: … there is phras­ing everywhere–long phras­es that if you google them you will find them in 19th cen­tu­ry writ­ings. The the­ol­o­gy of the Book of Mor­mon is very much 19th cen­tu­ry the­ol­o­gy, and it reads like…

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  • Questions to Ask

    Questions to Ask

    Introduction These ques­tions are designed to probe var­i­ous aspects of the LDS Church’s his­to­ry and truth-claims.1 The list was made for 1) inves­ti­ga­tors to ask the mis­sion­ar­ies, 2) active mem­bers to ask them­selves, or 3) those expe­ri­enc­ing a faith tran­si­tion to ask their par­ents or eccle­si­as­ti­cal leaders. The major­i­ty of…

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  • Swords and Spears

    Swords and Spears

    Swords and Spears For over a decade I’ve been hung up on the dearth of phys­i­cal evi­dence, par­tic­u­lar­ly Iron Age arti­facts, sup­port­ing the Book of Mor­mon. Recent­ly I had a mini-enlight­en­ment in this regard: swords and spears do not grow on trees; they do nor fall as man­na from Heav­en. They are…

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  • Issues and Questions Regarding LDS Doctrine and History

    Issues and Questions Regarding LDS Doctrine and History

    Four­teen years down the road, the ques­tions and issues raised in this let­ter remain sub­stan­tial­ly unan­swered, to my knowl­edge unad­dressed, by The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter Day Saints. August 30, 2003 153 Canemah Way Ore­gon City, OR 97045 Pres­i­dent Gor­don B. Hinckley The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter Day…

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  • Finding Truth: Response to “8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints”

    Finding Truth: Response to “8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints”

    In March of 2017, MyLifeByGogoGoff published a piece entitled 8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints. The piece was then reblogged by LDS Living. I am certainly no expert logician, but I have taken a couple philosophy courses, and I spent many years in the sciences…

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  • Problem Summaries: resources discussing LDS-truth claims

    Problem Summaries: resources discussing LDS-truth claims

    Problems with LDS truth-claims Before read­ing about the prob­lems, you may want to first con­sid­er the pros and cons of inves­ti­gat­ing the truth-claim data. Very short summaries Five Key Facts (~ 1 page) 50 Prob­lems with the Mor­mon Church (~10 minute youtube video) More significant summaries Mor­mon Primer (mul­ti­ple per­spec­tives: main­stream, crit­i­cal,…

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  • Five Key Facts

    Five Key Facts

    This is a very short sum­ma­ry of what I view as the 5 most impor­tant facts in under­stand­ing alter­na­tive mod­els for LDS truth claims. To the best of my knowl­edge, every point made in this doc­u­ment is accept­ed as fac­tu­al by both LDS and non-LDS schol­ars (please cor­rect me if…

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  • Understanding Book of Mormon Geography

    Understanding Book of Mormon Geography

    It has become appar­ent to me that the rea­son why it has been impos­si­ble to pin loca­tions for the Book of Mor­mon till now is because the Book of Mor­mon men­tions six seas and the nar­row pas­sage and nar­row neck are two sep­a­rate geo­graph­ic features. The nar­row pas­sage is not…

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  • Reformed Egyptian Four Surviving Characters

    Reformed Egyptian Four Surviving Characters

    Reformed Egypt­ian In 1680 Father Chret­ian Le Cler­cq a Roman Catholic mis­sion­ary lived among the Mic­mac Indi­ans for twelve years. After spend­ing this time with the Mic­mac, he then sailed back to France and wrote a book about the cus­toms and reli­gion of the Mic­mac Indians. He helped the Mic­mac…

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  • Archeological Evidence of the West Sea Fortified Line

    Archeological Evidence of the West Sea Fortified Line

    Arche­o­log­i­cal Evi­dence of the West Sea For­ti­fied Line  The Nephites were under con­stant attack from the Laman­ite par­tic­u­lar­ly by the West Sea. To for­ti­fy against these attacks a for­ti­fied line need­ed to be built The for­ti­fied line described in the Book of Hela­man is near Boun­ti­ful and extend­ed from the West Sea…

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  • Exact Location of the Waters of Ripliancum

    Exact Location of the Waters of Ripliancum

    Ether Chap­ter 15 dis­cuss­es the end of the Jared­ite peo­ple through war. Two oppos­ing fac­tions fight until the death of all those involved. From the Book of Mor­mon we can derive the exact loca­tion of the waters of Ripliancum This loca­tion is based on the Six Sea Model http://​bookof​mor​monev​i​dence​.blogspot​.com/​2​0​1​6​/​0​9​/​a​l​m​a​-​c​h​a​p​t​e​r​-​2​2​-​b​o​m​-​m​a​p.html Ether 15 7…

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  • Archeological Evidence of the Fortified cities by the East Sea

    Archeological Evidence of the Fortified cities by the East Sea

    Arche­o­log­i­cal Evi­dence of the For­ti­fied Cities by the East Sea This evi­dence is based on the Six Sea Model http://​bookof​mor​monev​i​dence​.blogspot​.com/​2​0​1​6​/​0​9​/​a​l​m​a​-​c​h​a​p​t​e​r​-​2​2​-​b​o​m​-​m​a​p.html I will be using the Hopewell mound for­ti­fi­ca­tions found in New York State and Penn­syl­va­nia for arche­o­log­i­cal evi­dence for the for­ti­fi­ca­tions described in Alma Chap­ter 50 and refor­ti­fied in Alma Chap­ter 52. E.G…

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