Category: Spirituality

  • Finding Truth: Response to “8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints”

    Finding Truth: Response to “8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints”

    In March of 2017, MyLifeByGogoGoff published a piece entitled 8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints. The piece was then reblogged by LDS Living. I am certainly no expert logician, but I have taken a couple philosophy courses, and I spent many years in the sciences…

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  • Eyes vs Heart

    There may be those that attack a 14yr old boy prophet, the Book of Mor­mon prophets, liv­ing prophets, and a liv­ing Christ. There were those that accused, and today accuse, Jesus Christ of not being Chris­t­ian, of hav­ing, and being the dev­il. There are those that deny the exis­tence of Heav­en­ly Father,…

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  • To peek behind the curtain: weighing the decision to investigate LDS truth-claims

    To peek behind the curtain: weighing the decision to investigate LDS truth-claims

    Why not investigate? From the per­spec­tive of a believ­ing mem­ber, there are many valid rea­sons to avoid crit­i­cal­ly1 inves­ti­gat­ing the truth-claims of the Church.2 Lack the time, energy, interest, or capability To inves­ti­gate requires time and effort. Most mem­bers are busy rais­ing a fam­i­ly and have many demands on their…

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  • Five Key Facts

    Five Key Facts

    This is a very short sum­ma­ry of what I view as the 5 most impor­tant facts in under­stand­ing alter­na­tive mod­els for LDS truth claims. To the best of my knowl­edge, every point made in this doc­u­ment is accept­ed as fac­tu­al by both LDS and non-LDS schol­ars (please cor­rect me if…

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  • Testimony, Spiritual Experiences, and Truth: A Careful Examination

    Testimony, Spiritual Experiences, and Truth: A Careful Examination

    1 Introduction 2 Do spir­i­tu­al impres­sions teach truth? 3 What’s behind a spir­i­tu­al experience? 4 Tes­ti­mo­ny, bias, and propaganda 5 Cir­cu­lar­i­ties: pulling our­selves up by our bootstraps? 6 Conclusions 7 Addi­tion­al reading (note: This arti­cle is an updat­ed ver­sion of my orig­i­nal Ratio­nal Faiths arti­cle) 1 Introduction 1.1 Know the truth…

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  • I Desire to Understand

    I Desire to Understand

    Years ago when my son left the church, I chose to dig deep and find the answers to the dif­fi­cult ques­tions about church his­to­ry and its doctrine. I went into this ven­ture with full con­fi­dence that I would find the faith affirm­ing answers that would help save my son’s eter­nal…

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  • An Evening with Zhenya

    An Evening with Zhenya

    For the LDS Ven­tu­ra Cal­i­for­nia stake Relief Soci­ety on 17 March 1992 In com­mem­o­ra­tion of the 150th anniver­sary of the Relief Society Writ­ten and per­formed by Eugene Kovalenko - Lis­ten to the record­ing of the event using the play but­ton below - https://​mor​mon​band​wag​on​.com/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​m​p​3​/​A​n​E​v​e​n​i​n​g​w​i​t​h​Z​h​e​n​ya.mp3 Program notes for: A journey home to Liahonagrad In song, verse, and story [2015…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 13 — Testimony, Truth, and the Holy Ghost

    Leaving the Church, Part 13 — Testimony, Truth, and the Holy Ghost

    1. Back­ground: Despite my doubts and con­cerns about var­i­ous aspects of LDS doc­trine and his­to­ry, I remained in the Church for sev­er­al years due to the spir­i­tu­al and uplift­ing expe­ri­ences I enjoyed as a mem­ber. But those spir­i­tu­al feel­ings and emo­tions have also been a mat­ter of study and inspection.…

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  • The Holy Ghost is a …

    The Holy Ghost is a …

    The Holy Ghost is a pussy. Oh yea, I said it. The holy ghost sucks my ass. He is a los­er. He is self­ish and he obvi­ous­ly does not do his job. The holy ghost drops the ball every chance he gets. Pass him the ball and you can count…

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  • Eyes Opened by my Mission

    Eyes Opened by my Mission

    10 years ago today I left to become a full time mis­sion­ary for the LDS church. In doing so I left behind home, fam­i­ly and my teenage sweet­heart Tama­ra for a 2 year peri­od in which I was allowed to com­mu­ni­cate with them once a week by post and twice a year…

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  • Epistemological Considerations

    Epistemological Considerations

    (or how do we know what we think we know) I am by no means a Philoso­pher, but I think it is cru­cial to address this top­ic here. It can get quite com­pli­cat­ed, and peo­ple have spent life­times, writ­ten dis­ser­ta­tions and count­less books on this sub­ject. But basi­cal­ly, what is need­ed…

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  • Navigating Death

    Navigating Death

    One of the hard­est things to try to come to terms with — NOT know­ing. Is there life after death? Will we see our loved ones again? It was­n’t as scary when I ‘knew’. When I had my head in the sand. Feel­ing these fears is part of expos­ing myself,…

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