Arche­o­log­i­cal Evi­dence of the West Sea For­ti­fied Line 

The Nephites were under con­stant attack from the Laman­ite par­tic­u­lar­ly by the West Sea. To for­ti­fy against these attacks a for­ti­fied line need­ed to be built

The for­ti­fied line described in the Book of Hela­man is near Boun­ti­ful and extend­ed from the West Sea going east. I believe the fol­low­ing account is arche­o­log­i­cal evi­dence of this for­ti­fied line. The Book of Mor­mon and his­tor­i­cal account describes it in a south­east direc­tion. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing the Nephites had this line extend from Lake Michi­gan shore­line going east. It veered toward a south east direc­tion. Com­pare the Book of Mor­mon account with the his­tor­i­cal account.


Hela­man 4:7


An exam­ple of the Laman­ites attack­ing from the south of the west sea is shown in Alma 53:8. For a bet­ter under­stand­ing of that chap­ter see mapped Alma chap­ter 53 link .



His­tor­i­cal account:

Remains of for­ti­fi­ca­tions also exist in Michi­gan as the fol­low­ing account tak­en from the Buf­fa­lo Pilot reveals: “…in the town adjoin­ing Coop­er, coun­ty of Megan, Michi­gan, about a mile dis­tant from the fer­tile banks of the Kala­ma­zoo, is a small ham­let, com­mon­ly known as Arnold’s Sta­tion. The first set­tlers of this lit­tle place, emi­grants from the St. Joseph coun­try, found In the town­ship some exten­sive ruins of what had evi­dent­ly been the work of human inge­nu­ity, and which they chris­tened the Mil­i­tary Post. “It con­sists,” says the writer, “of a wall of earth, run­ning north west and south­east, being about the height of a man’s head In the prin­ci­pal part of Its length, but vary­ing in some places, as if It had been degrad­ed, either by the hands of assailants or the lapse of time… .“

If the neigh­bor­ing Indi­ans are ques­tioned upon its tra­di­tion­al his­to­ry, the invari­able answer is, that it was there when they came– more, they either do not or can not say. That It was the labor of an extinct race is pret­ty evi­dent, and it prob­a­bly dates from the same era with the exten­sive works at Rock Riv­er. These lat­ter are, how­ev­er, of brick, a spec­i­men of which mate­r­i­al, tak­en from beneath the roots of an oak tree of great size, the writer has in his pos­ses­sion. (Quot­ed in Times and Sea­sons, Vol. 6, p. 906.”

My under­stand­ing is the for­ti­fied line no longer exist being destroyed by set­tlers dur­ing the estab­lish­ment of the city of Kala­ma­zoo. The for­ti­fied line on the map is not drawn to scale. Kala­ma­zoo is approx­i­mate­ly 30 miles from the Michi­gan Lake shoreline

(Glenn Chap­man helped in the com­pi­la­tion of sources)





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