I’m Still Angry

(orig­i­nal post found at www​.most​ly​mor​mon​.com) This is that angry let­ter you write and then tear up, only I’m not going to. Maybe instead I should go to the garage and beat on a punch­ing bag or go shoot some guns, but I don’t own a punch­ing bag and my new­ly devel­oped lib­er­al­ism has me a lit­tle uncer­tain about where…

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Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

The LDS Church released changes to its Hand­book on Novem­ber 5, 2015 in rela­tion to same-sex cou­ples and chil­dren raised by same-sex cou­ples. Specif­i­cal­ly, the Church now pro­hibits chil­dren of same-sex cou­ples from being bap­tized until they are 18 – and only if they move out of their par­ents’ homes, dis­avow all same-sex rela­tion­ships, and receive…

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What it’s Like to Leave…

Brown patch­es in the lawn. Gar­den weeds. Melt­ed bub­ble gum strings draped across my black car bumper. The nag­ging sting of a sun­burn on my shoul­ders. Chil­dren shriek­ing at the cold water erupt­ing from a sprin­kler placed strate­gi­cal­ly beneath a tram­po­line. Proof that life has moved on. Proof that a dras­tic and ter­ri­fy­ing change in…

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Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

Final Thoughts I have spent the last two years gath­er­ing evi­dence for this doc­u­ment. It has been frus­trat­ing and exhil­a­rat­ing all at the same time. There are peo­ple I need to thank, includ­ing Wayne May and Rod Mel­drum. I also thank Wes Trexler for help­ing review and edit this mate­r­i­al. Some of the sources that…

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Tribe of Manasseh — Geography Map and Supporting Verses

Vers­es and Geog­ra­phy sup­port­ing the North Amer­i­can mod­el There are two places that we know for sure were the Book of Mor­mon took place that would be the Hill Cumorah and Zara­hem­la found across from Nau­voo (D&C 125:3). Based on were the Hill Cumorah is we can know where the land of des­o­la­tion is and…

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Tribe of Manasseh — Hebrew and Native American Ties

Native Amer­i­can Hebrew and Greek lan­guage com­par­isons There are exam­ples of Hebrew cus­toms, char­ac­ters, beliefs and lan­guage among Native Amer­i­cans. Accord­ing to Mor­mon, they knew how to write in Hebrew and of course had Hebrew cus­toms and beliefs (Mor­mon 9:33). The Greek lan­guage is also com­pared to the Native Amer­i­can lan­guages of the Indi­ans. “The…

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Tribe of Manasseh — Technology and Animals

Met­al­lur­gy Hopewell gold, sil­ver, cop­per, and mete­oric iron arti­facts have been ver­i­fied by mod­ern day arche­ol­o­gist. List­ed below are pic­tures of con­firmed Hopewell arti­facts and accounts of ear­ly set­tlers. “Ornate plates or sheets of cop­per (Fig­ure 7), as well as effi­gies, head­dress­es (Fig­ure 8), bracelets, and rings were found in the mound but not at…

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Tribe of Manasseh — Native American DNA

DNA Hap­logroup X a Mid­dle East and Euro­pean DNA mark­er found in North Amer­i­ca Hap­logroup X in DNA dis­tri­b­u­tion match­es Hopewell and Book of Mor­mon migra­tion, expanse and trade sys­tem Leg­end of Fu Sang Chi­nese knowl­edge of the North Amer­i­can con­ti­nent Hap­logroups A, B, C, D, and X are found among the Indi­ans of the…

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Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model

Intro­duc­tion and Pur­pose I have always loved apolo­get­ics. I enjoy dis­cussing doc­trine, scrip­tur­al ver­sus and evi­dence that sup­port or are seen as evi­dence against the Book of Mor­mon or LDS church. For that rea­son I have stud­ied the most com­mon com­plaints and evi­dence for and against the church. In my teen years, when some teens…

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Leaving the Church, Part 13 — Testimony, Truth, and the Holy Ghost

1. Back­ground: Despite my doubts and con­cerns about var­i­ous aspects of LDS doc­trine and his­to­ry, I remained in the Church for sev­er­al years due to the spir­i­tu­al and uplift­ing expe­ri­ences I enjoyed as a mem­ber. But those spir­i­tu­al feel­ings and emo­tions have also been a mat­ter of study and inspec­tion. Dur­ing my so-called “faith crisis,”…

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