Category: Leadership

  • LDS Indoctrination and Retentive Socialization

    LDS Indoctrination and Retentive Socialization

    LDS Indoctrination and Retentive Socialization Introduction In A Mes­sage To The Most Ardent Crit­ic Of The Mor­mon Church, Ben Arkell quotes a name­less mem­ber of the church who had recent­ly dropped off their daugh­ter and son at the Mis­sion­ary Train­ing Cen­ter (MTC) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-day…

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  • Questions to Ask

    Questions to Ask

    Introduction These ques­tions are designed to probe var­i­ous aspects of the LDS Church’s his­to­ry and truth-claims.1 The list was made for 1) inves­ti­ga­tors to ask the mis­sion­ar­ies, 2) active mem­bers to ask them­selves, or 3) those expe­ri­enc­ing a faith tran­si­tion to ask their par­ents or eccle­si­as­ti­cal leaders. The major­i­ty of…

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  • Problem Summaries: resources discussing LDS-truth claims

    Problem Summaries: resources discussing LDS-truth claims

    Problems with LDS truth-claims Before read­ing about the prob­lems, you may want to first con­sid­er the pros and cons of inves­ti­gat­ing the truth-claim data. Very short summaries Five Key Facts (~ 1 page) 50 Prob­lems with the Mor­mon Church (~10 minute youtube video) More significant summaries Mor­mon Primer (mul­ti­ple per­spec­tives: main­stream, crit­i­cal,…

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  • Joseph Smith’s Polygamy Denials

    Joseph Smith’s Polygamy Denials

    Introduction Joseph Smith denied the prac­tice of polygamy1 on sev­er­al occa­sions. He was also respon­si­ble for the pub­li­ca­tion or dis­tri­b­u­tion of sev­er­al addi­tion­al denials. A com­plete list­ing of ear­ly Church leader polygamy denials up to 1850 is avail­able here. A few notes: Hyper­links to orig­i­nal source mate­r­i­al may be found by…

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  • The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years.

    The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years.

    The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years The evidence LaMar Petersen, an ama­teur Mor­mon his­to­ri­an, met with Levi Young (senior Pres­i­dent of the First Coun­cil of the Sev­en­ty) on Feb­ru­ary 3, 1953, and took these notes: His curios­i­ty was excit­ed when read­ing in Roberts’ Doc. His­to­ry ref­er­ence…

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  • The three-fold nature of the LDS Church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth

    The three-fold nature of the LDS Church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth

    The three-fold nature of the church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth bwv549 last updat­ed 2016-06-06 Teach­ings and actions of the Church, its lead­ers, and its mem­bers may be cat­e­go­rized into three promi­nent mind­sets: cor­po­rate, total­is­tic, and indi­vid­ual-growth (aka “growth-mind­set”): There is cer­tain­ly over­lap and inter­play between these mind­sets, but many of…

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  • An Evening with Zhenya

    An Evening with Zhenya

    For the LDS Ven­tu­ra Cal­i­for­nia stake Relief Soci­ety on 17 March 1992 In com­mem­o­ra­tion of the 150th anniver­sary of the Relief Society Writ­ten and per­formed by Eugene Kovalenko - Lis­ten to the record­ing of the event using the play but­ton below - https://​mor​mon​band​wag​on​.com/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​m​p​3​/​A​n​E​v​e​n​i​n​g​w​i​t​h​Z​h​e​n​ya.mp3 Program notes for: A journey home to Liahonagrad In song, verse, and story [2015…

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  • Meeting with Maxwell, the Special Witness

    Meeting with Maxwell, the Special Witness

    In 1993 I per­son­al­ly asked Neal Maxwell a ques­tion: “As an apos­tle of the lord Jesus Christ, have you seen the sav­ior?” He was embar­rassed and could not answer that ques­tion, he final­ly told me to read an arti­cle about some­one else’s dream. Many in high posi­tions feign author­i­ty from…

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  • Four Alternatives to Church Policy in Handbook 1, Section 16.13 with “Clarifications”

    Four Alternatives to Church Policy in Handbook 1, Section 16.13 with “Clarifications”

    Over the last two weeks, the LDS church has had their new pol­i­cy on LGBT and LGBT chil­dren leaked, pro­vid­ed an expla­na­tion by Christof­fer­son, then final­ly “clar­i­fied” through a state­ment from the first pres­i­den­cy and com­men­tary from Church Pub­lic Affairs. The church stat­ed that the “ques­tions” regard­ing the pol­i­cy change was…

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  • Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

    Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

    The LDS Church released changes to its Hand­book on Novem­ber 5, 2015 in rela­tion to same-sex cou­ples and chil­dren raised by same-sex cou­ples. Specif­i­cal­ly, the Church now pro­hibits chil­dren of same-sex cou­ples from being bap­tized until they are 18 – and only if they move out of their par­ents’ homes, dis­avow…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 10 — Prophets

    Leaving the Church, Part 10 — Prophets

    1. Overview: Church mem­bers are taught that the prophet speaks for the Lord and will nev­er lead the church astray (even when they are wrong). Pres­i­dent Heber J. Grant said: “Always keep your eye on the Pres­i­dent of the church, and if he ever tells you to do any­thing, even…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 9 — Book of Mormon Witnesses

    Leaving the Church, Part 9 — Book of Mormon Witnesses

    1. Overview: The tes­ti­mo­ny of the three and eight wit­ness­es to the gold plates is often con­sid­ered a key com­po­nent of the Book of Mormon’s cred­i­bil­i­ty. How­ev­er, the wit­ness­es, by their own admis­sion, seemed to have only seen the angel and plates in a vision­ary state in their minds (as…

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