Mormon Bandwagon hosts a range of self-published content from a variety of authors, usually on a topic relevant to Latter-day Saints or Mormons. You can submit your own story or opinion piece as well, just contact us to have it added!
Featured Multi-post Articles
Sometimes there is too much information for just one post — each of these series approach their topic from multiple angles for a more complete analysis.
Why I No Longer Believe
Introduction to Examining Church Claims
The Church was organized in Manchester, New York, on April 6, 1830. The original name used on that date was actually the “Church of Christ.” This was changed in 1834 to “The Church of the Latter Day Saints,” and then changed again in 1838 to “The Church of Jesus Christ…
Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model
Leaving the Church: A Compilation of the Evidence Against the LDS Church
Additional Submitted Stories and Articles
The following are a mix of additional personal accounts or opinions about how Mormonism has impacted their lives.
Finding Truth: Response to “8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints”
What it’s Like to Leave…
Brown patches in the lawn. Garden weeds. Melted bubble gum strings draped across my black car bumper. The nagging sting of a sunburn on my shoulders. Children shrieking at the cold water erupting from a sprinkler placed strategically beneath a trampoline. Proof that life has moved on. Proof that a…
Swords and Spears
Swords and Spears For over a decade I’ve been hung up on the dearth of physical evidence, particularly Iron Age artifacts, supporting the Book of Mormon. Recently I had a mini-enlightenment in this regard: swords and spears do not grow on trees; they do nor fall as manna from Heaven. They are…