Mor­mon Band­wag­on hosts a range of self-pub­lished con­tent from a vari­ety of authors, usu­al­ly on a top­ic rel­e­vant to Lat­ter-day Saints or Mor­mons. You can sub­mit your own sto­ry or opin­ion piece as well, just con­tact us to have it added!

Featured Multi-post Articles

Some­times there is too much infor­ma­tion for just one post — each of these series approach their top­ic from mul­ti­ple angles for a more com­plete analysis.

Introduction to Examining Church Claims

The Church was orga­nized in Man­ches­ter, New York, on April 6, 1830. The orig­i­nal name used on that date was actu­al­ly the “Church of Christ.” This was changed in 1834 to “The Church of the Lat­ter Day Saints,” and then changed again in 1838 to “The Church of Jesus Christ… 

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Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model

I have always loved apolo­get­ics. I enjoy dis­cussing doc­trine, scrip­tur­al ver­sus and evi­dence that sup­port or are seen as evi­dence against the Book of Mor­mon or LDS church. For that rea­son I have stud­ied the most com­mon com­plaints and evi­dence for and against the church. 
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Why I No Longer Believe

I have always appre­ci­at­ed that LDS mem­bers are taught to val­ue intel­li­gence and truth. I want the church to be true. It has gen­er­al­ly been a pos­i­tive force in my life. I would appre­ci­ate dis­cussing this with any­one who reads through this document. 
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Additional Submitted Stories and Articles

The fol­low­ing are a mix of addi­tion­al per­son­al accounts or opin­ions about how Mor­monism has impact­ed their lives.

Born to apostatize

From a very ear­ly time, every­one in our ward knew I was going to hell. I tried to live up to the teach­ings of the church, but peo­ple could just look at me and see I was a born apos­tate. It must have been my sense of humor. For years I… 

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D&C 132, polygamy and Harold B. Lee

Post­ed: 11 April 2015 Updat­ed: 9 May 15 (plus post­script) Harold B. Lee The recent Mor­mon Sto­ries Pod­cast inter­views of Kirk and Lind­say Van Allen by Gina Colvin and John Dehlin evoked my mem­o­ry of encoun­ter­ing Harold B. Lee in Sep­tem­ber 1965 regard­ing “The Prin­ci­ple”. When “Steven in Mil­creek” responded… 

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I’m offended, I want to sin and I’m happy to admit it.

I’m offend­ed: that LDS Inc. is more LDS Inc. than church. by racism by homo­pho­bia by misog­y­ny by sex­ism that’s harm­ful to both men and women by sex­u­al per­ver­sion that my son was taught to be a lit­er­al arm and head-chop­ping war­rior for a sup­pos­ed­ly all pow­er­ful being that JS,… 

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