Category: Translation

  • X2A’J Bible and Book of Mormon DNA

    X2A’J Bible and Book of Mormon DNA

    DNA mark­er x2a’j is prob­a­bly the great­est DNA evi­dence for the Book of Mor­mon thus far. X2a’j is not found in North Amer­i­ca but its impor­tance to Native Amer­i­can DNA is vir­tu­al­ly unknown. It’s the 5‑ton ele­phant in the room that researcher’s geneti­cist do not want to talk about. Out­side of…

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  • All in Joseph Smith’s milieu: a response to LDSLiving article on Book of Mormon evidences

    All in Joseph Smith’s milieu: a response to LDSLiving article on Book of Mormon evidences

    Kathryn Jenk­ins Gor­don recent­ly read through the Book of Mor­mon with a dis­tinct purpose: I want­ed to deter­mine how many evi­dences were found in the Book of Mor­mon itself sup­port­ing the fact that it was trans­lat­ed from an ancient doc­u­ment and not writ­ten by Joseph Smith in the ear­ly 19th…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

    Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

    Final Thoughts I have spent the last two years gath­er­ing evi­dence for this doc­u­ment. It has been frus­trat­ing and exhil­a­rat­ing all at the same time. There are peo­ple I need to thank, includ­ing Wayne May and Rod Mel­drum. I also thank Wes Trexler for help­ing review and edit this material.…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Geography Map and Supporting Verses

    Tribe of Manasseh — Geography Map and Supporting Verses

    Verses and Geography supporting the North American model There are two places that we know for sure were the Book of Mor­mon took place that would be the Hill Cumorah and Zara­hem­la found across from Nau­voo (D&C 125:3). Based on were the Hill Cumorah is we can know where the…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Hebrew and Native American Ties

    Tribe of Manasseh — Hebrew and Native American Ties

    Native American Hebrew and Greek language comparisons There are exam­ples of Hebrew cus­toms, char­ac­ters, beliefs and lan­guage among Native Amer­i­cans. Accord­ing to Mor­mon, they knew how to write in Hebrew and of course had Hebrew cus­toms and beliefs (Mor­mon 9:33). The Greek lan­guage is also com­pared to the Native Amer­i­can…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Technology and Animals

    Tribe of Manasseh — Technology and Animals

    Metallurgy Hopewell gold, sil­ver, cop­per, and mete­oric iron arti­facts have been ver­i­fied by mod­ern day arche­ol­o­gist. List­ed below are pic­tures of con­firmed Hopewell arti­facts and accounts of ear­ly settlers. “Ornate plates or sheets of cop­per (Fig­ure 7), as well as effi­gies, head­dress­es (Fig­ure 8), bracelets, and rings were found in…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Native American DNA

    Tribe of Manasseh — Native American DNA

    DNA Hap­logroup X a Mid­dle East and Euro­pean DNA mark­er found in North America Hap­logroup X in DNA dis­tri­b­u­tion match­es Hopewell and Book of Mor­mon migra­tion, expanse and trade system Leg­end of Fu Sang Chi­nese knowl­edge of the North Amer­i­can continent Hap­logroups A, B, C, D, and X are found…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model

    Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model

    I have always loved apologetics. I enjoy discussing doctrine, scriptural versus and evidence that support or are seen as evidence against the Book of Mormon or LDS church. For that reason I have studied the most common complaints and evidence for and against the church.

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 9 — Book of Mormon Witnesses

    Leaving the Church, Part 9 — Book of Mormon Witnesses

    1. Overview: The tes­ti­mo­ny of the three and eight wit­ness­es to the gold plates is often con­sid­ered a key com­po­nent of the Book of Mormon’s cred­i­bil­i­ty. How­ev­er, the wit­ness­es, by their own admis­sion, seemed to have only seen the angel and plates in a vision­ary state in their minds (as…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 5 — Book of Mormon

    Leaving the Church, Part 5 — Book of Mormon

    1. DNA Evi­dence Dis­proves BOM Claims: DNA analy­sis under­mines the premise of the Book of Mor­mon. Specif­i­cal­ly, DNA evi­dence estab­lish­es that Native Amer­i­can Indi­ans orig­i­nate from Asia and not from the Mid­dle East or from Israel as claimed by the Book of Mor­mon and var­i­ous prophets. The thou­sands of DNA…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 4 — Book of Mormon Translation

    Leaving the Church, Part 4 — Book of Mormon Translation

    1. Book of Mor­mon Trans­lat­ed with a Peep Stone: Con­trary to gen­er­al Church teach­ings, Joseph Smith did not use the gold plates in trans­lat­ing the Book of Mor­mon. Rather, he used a rock in a hat to trans­late the plates into the Book of Mor­mon. The Church acknowl­edged this fact…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 3 — Kinderhook Plates

    Leaving the Church, Part 3 — Kinderhook Plates

    1. Back­ground: On April 16, 1843, Robert Wiley began dig­ging a deep shaft in the mid­dle of an Indi­an mound locat­ed just out­side of Kinder­hook, Illi­nois. The Quin­cy Whig news­pa­per report­ed that Wiley began the exca­va­tion project after dream­ing of buried trea­sure beneath the mound. He ini­tial­ly under­took the exca­va­tion…

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