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  • Leaving the Church, Part 6 — First Vision

    Leaving the Church, Part 6 — First Vision

    “Our whole strength rests on the valid­i­ty of that [First] vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not, then this work is a fraud. If it did, then it is the most impor­tant and won­der­ful work under the heav­ens.” – Gor­don B. Hinck­ley, The Mar­velous…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 5 — Book of Mormon

    Leaving the Church, Part 5 — Book of Mormon

    1. DNA Evi­dence Dis­proves BOM Claims: DNA analy­sis under­mines the premise of the Book of Mor­mon. Specif­i­cal­ly, DNA evi­dence estab­lish­es that Native Amer­i­can Indi­ans orig­i­nate from Asia and not from the Mid­dle East or from Israel as claimed by the Book of Mor­mon and var­i­ous prophets. The thou­sands of DNA…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 4 — Book of Mormon Translation

    Leaving the Church, Part 4 — Book of Mormon Translation

    1. Book of Mor­mon Trans­lat­ed with a Peep Stone: Con­trary to gen­er­al Church teach­ings, Joseph Smith did not use the gold plates in trans­lat­ing the Book of Mor­mon. Rather, he used a rock in a hat to trans­late the plates into the Book of Mor­mon. The Church acknowl­edged this fact…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 3 — Kinderhook Plates

    Leaving the Church, Part 3 — Kinderhook Plates

    1. Back­ground: On April 16, 1843, Robert Wiley began dig­ging a deep shaft in the mid­dle of an Indi­an mound locat­ed just out­side of Kinder­hook, Illi­nois. The Quin­cy Whig news­pa­per report­ed that Wiley began the exca­va­tion project after dream­ing of buried trea­sure beneath the mound. He ini­tial­ly under­took the exca­va­tion…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 2 — Book of Abraham

    Leaving the Church, Part 2 — Book of Abraham

    1. Back­ground Per­haps the most prob­lem­at­ic issue under­min­ing the Church is the Book of Abra­ham. In July of 1835, a trav­el­ing show­man named Michael Chan­dler brought an exhib­it con­sist­ing of four Egypt­ian mum­mies and papyri to Kirt­land, Ohio, then the home of the Lat­ter-day Saints. The papyri con­tained Egypt­ian hiero­glyph­ics,…

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  • Leaving the Church: A Compilation of the Evidence Against the LDS Church

    Leaving the Church: A Compilation of the Evidence Against the LDS Church

    I hope those of you who read this document do not get the wrong idea: I am not leaving the Church out of anger, sin, or laziness. I am not leaving due to anti-Mormon literature or to pursue different lifestyle choices. And I am not leaving in hopes of bringing…

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  • Thanks TSCC, thanks for nothing

    Thanks TSCC, thanks for nothing

    I would just to like thank the TSCC for ruin­ing my mar­riage by pub­lish­ing the essays. Because of the essays I now think that my won­der­ful wife of 11 years is an indoc­tri­nat­ed sheeple who won’t face the facts that it is all a big lie. I think she is stay­ing…

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  • The Holy Ghost is a …

    The Holy Ghost is a …

    The Holy Ghost is a pussy. Oh yea, I said it. The holy ghost sucks my ass. He is a los­er. He is self­ish and he obvi­ous­ly does not do his job. The holy ghost drops the ball every chance he gets. Pass him the ball and you can count…

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  • I’m offended, I want to sin and I’m happy to admit it.

    I’m offended, I want to sin and I’m happy to admit it.

    I’m offend­ed: that LDS Inc. is more LDS Inc. than church. by racism by homo­pho­bia by misog­y­ny by sex­ism that’s harm­ful to both men and women by sex­u­al perversion that my son was taught to be a lit­er­al arm and head-chop­ping war­rior for a sup­pos­ed­ly all pow­er­ful being that JS, a wom­an­iz­er,…

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  • Unexpected Results

    Unexpected Results

    Three weeks ago, I was a true believ­er. I was­n’t the best at church atten­dance, but I would look for­ward to the days I could go and I would sit, rapt and eager, lis­ten­ing to the lessons and talks. I read the scrip­tures. I have a large library of Nib­ley,…

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  • Eyes Opened by my Mission

    Eyes Opened by my Mission

    10 years ago today I left to become a full time mis­sion­ary for the LDS church. In doing so I left behind home, fam­i­ly and my teenage sweet­heart Tama­ra for a 2 year peri­od in which I was allowed to com­mu­ni­cate with them once a week by post and twice a year…

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  • From sickness to sickness to happiness

    From sickness to sickness to happiness

    Well folks, buck­le up and strap in. Pre­pare your­selves for anoth­er sto­ry about a true believ­ing Mor­mon dis­cov­er­ing the truth. I was born into the church, into a fam­i­ly of 6th or 7th gen­er­a­tion Mor­mons. My fam­i­ly helped to found Mesa, Ari­zona, by way of com­mand­ment from the brethren in Utah.…

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