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  • An Evening with Zhenya

    An Evening with Zhenya

    For the LDS Ven­tu­ra Cal­i­for­nia stake Relief Soci­ety on 17 March 1992 In com­mem­o­ra­tion of the 150th anniver­sary of the Relief Society Writ­ten and per­formed by Eugene Kovalenko - Lis­ten to the record­ing of the event using the play but­ton below - https://​mor​mon​band​wag​on​.com/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​m​p​3​/​A​n​E​v​e​n​i​n​g​w​i​t​h​Z​h​e​n​ya.mp3 Program notes for: A journey home to Liahonagrad In song, verse, and story [2015…

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  • The ‘wrong’ answer to prayers

    The ‘wrong’ answer to prayers

    This is the let­ter I wrote to my fam­i­ly telling them I was leav­ing the mor­mon church and why. I post­ed it to Face­book so I did­n’t have to explain it 13,000 times. I have decid­ed to leave the Mor­mon church and I would like to explain why. I will…

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  • FairMormon Inadvertently Discredits First Vision Accounts

    FairMormon Inadvertently Discredits First Vision Accounts

    A com­mon obser­va­tion of Mor­mon apolo­get­ics, and Fair­Mor­mon in par­tic­u­lar, is that their expla­na­tions are rarely inter­nal­ly con­sis­tent. The expla­na­tion for one issue con­tra­dicts or con­flicts with the expla­na­tion for anoth­er issue. Some­times, it does­n’t mat­ter much that they con­tra­dict each oth­er. Oth­er times, they real­ly do dam­age to their arguments. One case…

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  • Born to apostatize

    Born to apostatize

    From a very ear­ly time, every­one in our ward knew I was going to hell. I tried to live up to the teach­ings of the church, but peo­ple could just look at me and see I was a born apos­tate. It must have been my sense of humor. For years I thought…

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  • No longer a member

    No longer a member

    I grew up in Utah in a Mor­mon house­hold. I was one of those who always asked why and was always told you just need to believe. That nev­er worked for me.  When I went away to col­lege, I stopped going to church all togeth­er. I could nev­er believe in a church…

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  • Meeting with Maxwell, the Special Witness

    Meeting with Maxwell, the Special Witness

    In 1993 I per­son­al­ly asked Neal Maxwell a ques­tion: “As an apos­tle of the lord Jesus Christ, have you seen the sav­ior?” He was embar­rassed and could not answer that ques­tion, he final­ly told me to read an arti­cle about some­one else’s dream. Many in high posi­tions feign author­i­ty from…

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  • Four Alternatives to Church Policy in Handbook 1, Section 16.13 with “Clarifications”

    Four Alternatives to Church Policy in Handbook 1, Section 16.13 with “Clarifications”

    Over the last two weeks, the LDS church has had their new pol­i­cy on LGBT and LGBT chil­dren leaked, pro­vid­ed an expla­na­tion by Christof­fer­son, then final­ly “clar­i­fied” through a state­ment from the first pres­i­den­cy and com­men­tary from Church Pub­lic Affairs. The church stat­ed that the “ques­tions” regard­ing the pol­i­cy change was…

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  • Letter to Bishop & Stake President

    Letter to Bishop & Stake President

    This is my first post so I should intro­duce myself. I met my wife to be, in the last year of high school and mar­ried her when we were both 19. My wife came from an LDS fam­i­ly with her father serv­ing as Bish­op at the time. I was bap­tized…

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  • I’m Still Angry

    I’m Still Angry

    (orig­i­nal post found at www​.most​ly​mor​mon​.com) This is that angry let­ter you write and then tear up, only I’m not going to. Maybe instead I should go to the garage and beat on a punch­ing bag or go shoot some guns, but I don’t own a punch­ing bag and my new­ly devel­oped lib­er­al­ism has me…

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  • Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

    Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

    The LDS Church released changes to its Hand­book on Novem­ber 5, 2015 in rela­tion to same-sex cou­ples and chil­dren raised by same-sex cou­ples. Specif­i­cal­ly, the Church now pro­hibits chil­dren of same-sex cou­ples from being bap­tized until they are 18 – and only if they move out of their par­ents’ homes, dis­avow…

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  • What it’s Like to Leave…

    What it’s Like to Leave…

    Brown patch­es in the lawn. Gar­den weeds. Melt­ed bub­ble gum strings draped across my black car bumper. The nag­ging sting of a sun­burn on my shoul­ders. Chil­dren shriek­ing at the cold water erupt­ing from a sprin­kler placed strate­gi­cal­ly beneath a tram­po­line. Proof that life has moved on. Proof that a…

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  • Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

    Tribe of Manasseh — Conclusion and Sources

    Final Thoughts I have spent the last two years gath­er­ing evi­dence for this doc­u­ment. It has been frus­trat­ing and exhil­a­rat­ing all at the same time. There are peo­ple I need to thank, includ­ing Wayne May and Rod Mel­drum. I also thank Wes Trexler for help­ing review and edit this material.…

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