I grew up in Utah in a Mor­mon house­hold. I was one of those who always asked why and was always told you just need to believe. That nev­er worked for me. 

When I went away to col­lege, I stopped going to church all togeth­er. I could nev­er believe in a church that was found­ed by a lier and a cheat. There is no archae­o­log­i­cal evi­dence of any­thing in the Book of Mor­mon — they can’t even find any of the places on a map, unlike Beth­le­hem and oth­er bib­li­cal places. I could also nev­er buy how you had to do all these things to be saved when the bible says you are saved by God’s grace. 

I wan­dered in and out of many oth­er reli­gions and even tried to go back to the Mor­mon church but could not. I believed in God and want­ed a rela­tion­ship with him. I found my way to the Catholic church and have found my place with God.

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