Category: Story



    For­mer LDS Church his­to­ri­an D Michael Quinn has quot­ed the fol­low­ing remarks giv­en to him dur­ing the course of an inter­view with Elder Boyd K Pack­er, then an Apos­tle of the LDS Church; “I have a hard time with his­to­ri­ans… because they idol­ize the truth. The truth is not uplift­ing;…

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  • Before the facts, it didn’t make sense

    Before the facts, it didn’t make sense

    I’m new to this site and hap­py to share my experience. Five years ago my wife and I were very active, both hold­ing call­ings and try­ing to get out to activ­i­ties often. Even share the gospel a lit­tle. But one day just sud­den­ly at the same time we both felt…

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  • It’s all about trust

    It’s all about trust

    There are hun­dreds of rea­sons to believe or not believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-day Saints is true. For me I no longer believe it is true in the way it teach­es it is true. How did I come to this conclusion? I could give a list of issues…

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  • The Book of Mormon Came in a Box

    The Book of Mormon Came in a Box

    “There­fore speak I to them in para­bles: because they see­ing see not; and hear­ing they hear not, nei­ther do they understand.” - Matthew 13:13 When I mar­ried my sweet­heart at the age of 19, my jour­ney as a man begun. No more was I to think only of myself, for…

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  • Knowledge and our younger generations

    Knowledge and our younger generations

    3Ne 26:11 “Behold, I was about to write them, all which were engraven upon the plates of Nephi, but the Lord for­bade it, say­ing: I will try the faith of my people.” Late­ly, I have been think­ing about this par­tic­u­lar verse and scrip­ture. I have been think­ing about how we,…

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  • Accept all things in faith

    Accept all things in faith

    Car­son, I am not raised in the Church but rather I am a “con­vert”. In decid­ing, through much prayer and read­ing, I decid­ed to be Bap­tized ful­ly aware that I might not have all of my ques­tions answered and not expect­ing the full­ness of the gospel until some­time in the after­life……

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  • I Desire to Understand

    I Desire to Understand

    Years ago when my son left the church, I chose to dig deep and find the answers to the dif­fi­cult ques­tions about church his­to­ry and its doctrine. I went into this ven­ture with full con­fi­dence that I would find the faith affirm­ing answers that would help save my son’s eter­nal…

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  • Riding the Wake of 60 Years of the Good Ship Zion

    Riding the Wake of 60 Years of the Good Ship Zion

    It’s Christ­mas­time 2015. I’m 61 years old, a lov­ing hus­band, father of four, grand­fa­ther of nine and — eight months into the Post-Mor­mon por­tion of my life. The past two years of tran­si­tion have been painful, ter­ri­fy­ing, embar­rass­ing, dis­ori­ent­ing but ulti­mate­ly liberating. I am an active, faith­ful, life­time mem­ber of the…

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  • An Evening with Zhenya

    An Evening with Zhenya

    For the LDS Ven­tu­ra Cal­i­for­nia stake Relief Soci­ety on 17 March 1992 In com­mem­o­ra­tion of the 150th anniver­sary of the Relief Society Writ­ten and per­formed by Eugene Kovalenko - Lis­ten to the record­ing of the event using the play but­ton below - https://​mor​mon​band​wag​on​.com/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​m​p​3​/​A​n​E​v​e​n​i​n​g​w​i​t​h​Z​h​e​n​ya.mp3 Program notes for: A journey home to Liahonagrad In song, verse, and story [2015…

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  • The ‘wrong’ answer to prayers

    The ‘wrong’ answer to prayers

    This is the let­ter I wrote to my fam­i­ly telling them I was leav­ing the mor­mon church and why. I post­ed it to Face­book so I did­n’t have to explain it 13,000 times. I have decid­ed to leave the Mor­mon church and I would like to explain why. I will…

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  • Born to apostatize

    Born to apostatize

    From a very ear­ly time, every­one in our ward knew I was going to hell. I tried to live up to the teach­ings of the church, but peo­ple could just look at me and see I was a born apos­tate. It must have been my sense of humor. For years I thought…

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  • No longer a member

    No longer a member

    I grew up in Utah in a Mor­mon house­hold. I was one of those who always asked why and was always told you just need to believe. That nev­er worked for me.  When I went away to col­lege, I stopped going to church all togeth­er. I could nev­er believe in a church…

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