Category: Church

  • Leaving the Church, Part 10 — Prophets

    Leaving the Church, Part 10 — Prophets

    1. Overview: Church mem­bers are taught that the prophet speaks for the Lord and will nev­er lead the church astray (even when they are wrong). Pres­i­dent Heber J. Grant said: “Always keep your eye on the Pres­i­dent of the church, and if he ever tells you to do any­thing, even…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 9 — Book of Mormon Witnesses

    Leaving the Church, Part 9 — Book of Mormon Witnesses

    1. Overview: The tes­ti­mo­ny of the three and eight wit­ness­es to the gold plates is often con­sid­ered a key com­po­nent of the Book of Mormon’s cred­i­bil­i­ty. How­ev­er, the wit­ness­es, by their own admis­sion, seemed to have only seen the angel and plates in a vision­ary state in their minds (as…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 7 — Priesthood Restoration

    Leaving the Church, Part 7 — Priesthood Restoration

    1. Overview: Like the First Vision sto­ry, Joseph Smith wait­ed many years before claim­ing to have received the priest­hood from John the Bap­tist and Peter, James, and John. Although the Church teach­es that the priest­hood was restored in 1829, Joseph Smith and Oliv­er Cow­dery made no such claim until 1834.…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 6 — First Vision

    Leaving the Church, Part 6 — First Vision

    “Our whole strength rests on the valid­i­ty of that [First] vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not, then this work is a fraud. If it did, then it is the most impor­tant and won­der­ful work under the heav­ens.” – Gor­don B. Hinck­ley, The Mar­velous…

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  • Thanks TSCC, thanks for nothing

    Thanks TSCC, thanks for nothing

    I would just to like thank the TSCC for ruin­ing my mar­riage by pub­lish­ing the essays. Because of the essays I now think that my won­der­ful wife of 11 years is an indoc­tri­nat­ed sheeple who won’t face the facts that it is all a big lie. I think she is stay­ing…

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  • I’m offended, I want to sin and I’m happy to admit it.

    I’m offended, I want to sin and I’m happy to admit it.

    I’m offend­ed: that LDS Inc. is more LDS Inc. than church. by racism by homo­pho­bia by misog­y­ny by sex­ism that’s harm­ful to both men and women by sex­u­al perversion that my son was taught to be a lit­er­al arm and head-chop­ping war­rior for a sup­pos­ed­ly all pow­er­ful being that JS, a wom­an­iz­er,…

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  • Unexpected Results

    Unexpected Results

    Three weeks ago, I was a true believ­er. I was­n’t the best at church atten­dance, but I would look for­ward to the days I could go and I would sit, rapt and eager, lis­ten­ing to the lessons and talks. I read the scrip­tures. I have a large library of Nib­ley,…

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  • Top Ten Quotes from the “Boise Rescue” Fireside

    Top Ten Quotes from the “Boise Rescue” Fireside

    On June 13th, Apos­tle Oaks and His­to­ri­an Tur­ley gave a fire­side at my stake in Ida­ho “to answer some faith­ful ques­tions and to min­is­ter to some dis­abling doubts.” In this fire­side, the cou­ple respond­ed to sev­er­al ques­tions that are most rel­e­vant to those that agree with Den­ver Snuffer and Rock…

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  • Response to “How Does Gay Marriage Hurt Us? Here’s How”

    Response to “How Does Gay Marriage Hurt Us? Here’s How”

    I have seen sev­er­al friends post the arti­cle “How Does Gay Mar­riage Hurt Us? Here’s How.” and found it ter­ri­bly lack­ing. Here are the key points it makes and some of my thoughts on these. “How does our mar­riage hurt you?” they ask. Well, I can think of one sig­nif­i­cant way…

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  • Going Clear correlaries to LDS teachings

    Going Clear correlaries to LDS teachings

    This last week­end I watched the doc­u­men­tary Going Clear. I have heard and read some about Sci­en­tol­ogy before the doc­u­men­tary, and so I knew to expect there to be some strong sim­i­lar­i­ties between Sci­en­tol­ogy and Mor­monism. I rec­om­mend every­one, faith­ful or not, see the doc­u­men­tary. It does a great job…

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  • Carson Calderwood’s Leave And Leave It Alone

    Carson Calderwood’s Leave And Leave It Alone

    I’ve been fol­low­ing Car­son Calder­wood’s sto­ry from a dis­tance, and I find it to be such a sad exam­ple of the Church push­ing out peo­ple who are try­ing hard to con­tribute in a pos­i­tive way. I rec­om­mend all go and lis­ten to the Mor­mon Sto­ries episodes with Car­son and Maris­sa,…

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  • Our Questions Aren’t the Problem

    Our Questions Aren’t the Problem

    It seems like every few weeks we hear about some­one being called to a dis­ci­pli­nary court for apos­ta­sy for dar­ing to speak out about their unbe­lief. Usu­al­ly, the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion is that pub­licly ques­tion­ing the church’s teach­ings caus­es oth­ers to lose faith and to doubt, thus we are lead­ing peo­ple out of…

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