Tag: holy ghost

  • Testimony, Spiritual Experiences, and Truth: A Careful Examination

    Testimony, Spiritual Experiences, and Truth: A Careful Examination

    1 Introduction 2 Do spir­i­tu­al impres­sions teach truth? 3 What’s behind a spir­i­tu­al experience? 4 Tes­ti­mo­ny, bias, and propaganda 5 Cir­cu­lar­i­ties: pulling our­selves up by our bootstraps? 6 Conclusions 7 Addi­tion­al reading (note: This arti­cle is an updat­ed ver­sion of my orig­i­nal Ratio­nal Faiths arti­cle) 1 Introduction 1.1 Know the truth…

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  • Should We Avoid Doubts and Questions?

    Should We Avoid Doubts and Questions?

    There is a real fear among the some faith­ful that ques­tion­ing the verac­i­ty of the church or the Book of Mor­mon is a sure way to lose your soul to the dev­il. I think this mind­set is at odds with the more cen­tral, key teach­ing of the LDS church, which…

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