There may be those that attack a 14yr old boy prophet, the Book of Mormon prophets, living prophets, and a living Christ. There were those that accused, and today accuse, Jesus Christ of not being Christian, of having, and being the devil. There are those that deny the existence of Heavenly Father, angels, and miracles.
Do not bicker over trivials while on a Titanic. Look past religious correctness, beyond human imperfections. Look unto Christ, unto Him who is the fullness of Truth, unto His teachings, and unto His messengers. Do not board that large religious Titanic of modern Pharisees!
Spiritual truths can only be discerned with spiritual eyes, the heart, revelation. Ask Heavenly Father in sincere prayer. Seek the company of the Holy Spirit. Be clean.
Merely seeing Deity and angels does not save us. It is worthiness, humility, obedience, love, and repentance.
In the Premortal, we saw and dwelt with angels and Deity. 1/3 of the hosts of Heaven rebelled. The heavens wept. There was war then, and there is now. This life consists of conflict against each other, and of the confusion within us. We choose between evil and good, between falsehood and truth.
This life is the test, to kick against the pricks, or to spread sunshine. The Hereafter will have us meeting Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, holy men, and one another.
April 1993 The Inexhaustible Gospel Elder Neal A. Maxwell
1 Cor 2:14 …things of the spirit…are spiritually discerned.
Rev 12:7 War in heaven.
Alma 12:24, 34:32 This is the life to prepare.