Category: Featured Series

  • Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model

    Tribe of Manasseh — North American Nephite Model

    I have always loved apologetics. I enjoy discussing doctrine, scriptural versus and evidence that support or are seen as evidence against the Book of Mormon or LDS church. For that reason I have studied the most common complaints and evidence for and against the church.

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  • Leaving the Church: A Compilation of the Evidence Against the LDS Church

    Leaving the Church: A Compilation of the Evidence Against the LDS Church

    I hope those of you who read this document do not get the wrong idea: I am not leaving the Church out of anger, sin, or laziness. I am not leaving due to anti-Mormon literature or to pursue different lifestyle choices. And I am not leaving in hopes of bringing…

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  • Introduction to Examining Church Claims

    Introduction to Examining Church Claims

    The Church was orga­nized in Man­ches­ter, New York, on April 6, 1830. The orig­i­nal name used on that date was actu­al­ly the “Church of Christ.” This was changed in 1834 to “The Church of the Lat­ter Day Saints,” and then changed again in 1838 to “The Church of Jesus Christ…

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  • Why I No Longer Believe

    Why I No Longer Believe

    I have always appreciated that LDS members are taught to value intelligence and truth. I want the church to be true. It has generally been a positive force in my life. I would appreciate discussing this with anyone who reads through this document.

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