Category: Doctrine
I’m offended, I want to sin and I’m happy to admit it.
I’m offended: that LDS Inc. is more LDS Inc. than church. by racism by homophobia by misogyny by sexism that’s harmful to both men and women by sexual perversion that my son was taught to be a literal arm and head-chopping warrior for a supposedly all powerful being that JS, a womanizer,…
Unexpected Results
Three weeks ago, I was a true believer. I wasn’t the best at church attendance, but I would look forward to the days I could go and I would sit, rapt and eager, listening to the lessons and talks. I read the scriptures. I have a large library of Nibley,…
Top Ten Quotes from the “Boise Rescue” Fireside
On June 13th, Apostle Oaks and Historian Turley gave a fireside at my stake in Idaho “to answer some faithful questions and to minister to some disabling doubts.” In this fireside, the couple responded to several questions that are most relevant to those that agree with Denver Snuffer and Rock…
Response to “How Does Gay Marriage Hurt Us? Here’s How”
I have seen several friends post the article “How Does Gay Marriage Hurt Us? Here’s How.” and found it terribly lacking. Here are the key points it makes and some of my thoughts on these. “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask. Well, I can think of one significant way…
Going Clear correlaries to LDS teachings
This last weekend I watched the documentary Going Clear. I have heard and read some about Scientology before the documentary, and so I knew to expect there to be some strong similarities between Scientology and Mormonism. I recommend everyone, faithful or not, see the documentary. It does a great job…
Carson Calderwood’s Leave And Leave It Alone
I’ve been following Carson Calderwood’s story from a distance, and I find it to be such a sad example of the Church pushing out people who are trying hard to contribute in a positive way. I recommend all go and listen to the Mormon Stories episodes with Carson and Marissa,…
Our Questions Aren’t the Problem
It seems like every few weeks we hear about someone being called to a disciplinary court for apostasy for daring to speak out about their unbelief. Usually, the justification is that publicly questioning the church’s teachings causes others to lose faith and to doubt, thus we are leading people out of…
D&C 132, polygamy and Harold B. Lee
Posted: 11 April 2015 Updated: 9 May 15 (plus postscript) Harold B. Lee The recent Mormon Stories Podcast interviews of Kirk and Lindsay Van Allen by Gina Colvin and John Dehlin evoked my memory of encountering Harold B. Lee in September 1965 regarding “The Principle”. When “Steven in Milcreek” responded to my…
Written in January, 2012: In December of 2011, my husband, Justin, and I respectfully resigned from our callings and stopped going to church. It’s been a long, tiring, enlightening process. I’ll start with the day that really got us going down this path. It was a Sunday in May or June of…
About The Author
On a personal level, my life has been an ongoing search for the Truth. It has been the primary motivational force in my life, along with my love for my family. That search led me into the Church many years ago, and ultimately it led me out. My heart is…
Final Thoughts — Potential Harm
Several years back, I was discussing some of these matters with one of my daughters, and she posed this question to me: Let’s just say you’re right, and that the Church’s claims aren’t true. What is the harm in staying in it, and being involved with it? We’re happy, we’re…
Examination Summary
My intent here was to approach the Church’s claims about itself, its history, and its mission, from several different perspectives, rather than relying on a single dimension. The conclusion seems inescapable: the Church is not what it claims to be, and the claims that it makes are demonstrably false. And…