Tag: faith

  • I Desire to Understand

    I Desire to Understand

    Years ago when my son left the church, I chose to dig deep and find the answers to the dif­fi­cult ques­tions about church his­to­ry and its doctrine. I went into this ven­ture with full con­fi­dence that I would find the faith affirm­ing answers that would help save my son’s eter­nal…

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  • So, you want to help someone going through a faith crisis…

    So, you want to help someone going through a faith crisis…

    The odds of you know­ing of some­one going through a faith cri­sis seem to be increas­ing. Per­haps that is because more peo­ple are going through faith crises. Per­haps the inter­net pro­vides an avenue for those peo­ple to be more vocal about it. Or, per­haps it is a com­bi­na­tion of both. In any event, you…

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  • How I Lost my Faith by Defending it

    How I Lost my Faith by Defending it

    I followed the faithful path outlined for every young man: baptism, priesthood, Eagle Scout, missionary, BYU graduate, and eternal husband, sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. I was on my way to enduring to the end, faithfully practicing Latter Day Saint-ism for the rest of my life.

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