From sickness to sickness to happiness

Well folks, buck­le up and strap in. Pre­pare your­selves for anoth­er sto­ry about a true believ­ing Mor­mon dis­cov­er­ing the truth. I was born into the church, into a fam­i­ly of 6th or 7th gen­er­a­tion Mor­mons. My fam­i­ly helped to found Mesa, Ari­zona, by way of com­mand­ment from the brethren in Utah. There are plen­ty in Phoenix’s…

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Family Letter

Hel­lo Fam­i­ly, Ben and I have real­ized there have been spec­u­la­tions involv­ing us and our fam­i­ly con­cern­ing the church. This comes from our fam­i­ly and friends that are unaware of our deci­sion and that is why we feel it is nec­es­sary to write this let­ter so there will be a bet­ter under­stand­ing of where we…

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Writ­ten in Jan­u­ary, 2012: In Decem­ber of 2011, my hus­band, Justin, and I respect­ful­ly resigned from our call­ings and stopped going to church. It’s been a long, tir­ing, enlight­en­ing process. I’ll start with the day that real­ly got us going down this path. It was a Sun­day in May or June of 2011. I got ready for…

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Navigating Death

One of the hard­est things to try to come to terms with — NOT know­ing. Is there life after death? Will we see our loved ones again? It was­n’t as scary when I ‘knew’. When I had my head in the sand. Feel­ing these fears is part of expos­ing myself, part of being hon­est with…

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How I Lost my Faith by Defending it

I was raised in a very lov­ing fam­i­ly in Ari­zona. My par­ents were both raised as mem­bers of the LDS Church, and they decid­ed to raise us, their kids, as Lat­ter Day Saints as well. I was gen­er­al­ly a good kid who tried to do what was right. I fol­lowed the faith­ful path out­lined for…

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