Category: Spirituality

  • Conclusion to Why I No Longer Believe

    Conclusion to Why I No Longer Believe

    I’ve focused most­ly on the Book of Mor­mon, since I accept that it is the key­stone of the reli­gion, just as Joseph Smith, Jr stat­ed. The Book of Abra­ham and his oth­er trans­la­tions are close behind. Some of the oth­er top­ics that have affect­ed my testimony: Polyg­a­mous mar­riages of Joseph…

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  • Nature of Spiritual Confirmation

    Nature of Spiritual Confirmation

    I would first also address hope­ful­ly briefly why I don’t just rely on a spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tion as the con­fir­ma­tion of the true­ness of Book of Mor­mon or any oth­er church teach­ing, as most mem­bers do. As I stat­ed ear­li­er, we believe that the Holy Ghost will con­firm the truth of…

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  • Why I No Longer Believe

    Why I No Longer Believe

    I have always appreciated that LDS members are taught to value intelligence and truth. I want the church to be true. It has generally been a positive force in my life. I would appreciate discussing this with anyone who reads through this document.

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  • How I Lost my Faith by Defending it

    How I Lost my Faith by Defending it

    I followed the faithful path outlined for every young man: baptism, priesthood, Eagle Scout, missionary, BYU graduate, and eternal husband, sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. I was on my way to enduring to the end, faithfully practicing Latter Day Saint-ism for the rest of my life.

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