Category: Doctrine

  • Examining the Fruits of the Church in Practice

    Examining the Fruits of the Church in Practice

    I first need to make a cru­cial dis­tinc­tion here, between the Cor­po­rate and Insti­tu­tion­al Church, and the Church that exists in the lives of the indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies that com­prise the var­i­ous Wards and Branch­es of the Church. Even though I was a con­vert to the Church, I raised my…

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  • Introduction to Examining Church Claims

    Introduction to Examining Church Claims

    The Church was orga­nized in Man­ches­ter, New York, on April 6, 1830. The orig­i­nal name used on that date was actu­al­ly the “Church of Christ.” This was changed in 1834 to “The Church of the Lat­ter Day Saints,” and then changed again in 1838 to “The Church of Jesus Christ…

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  • So, you want to help someone going through a faith crisis…

    So, you want to help someone going through a faith crisis…

    The odds of you know­ing of some­one going through a faith cri­sis seem to be increas­ing. Per­haps that is because more peo­ple are going through faith crises. Per­haps the inter­net pro­vides an avenue for those peo­ple to be more vocal about it. Or, per­haps it is a com­bi­na­tion of both. In any event, you…

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  • Navigating Death

    Navigating Death

    One of the hard­est things to try to come to terms with — NOT know­ing. Is there life after death? Will we see our loved ones again? It was­n’t as scary when I ‘knew’. When I had my head in the sand. Feel­ing these fears is part of expos­ing myself,…

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