Category: Church

  • To peek behind the curtain: weighing the decision to investigate LDS truth-claims

    To peek behind the curtain: weighing the decision to investigate LDS truth-claims

    Why not investigate? From the per­spec­tive of a believ­ing mem­ber, there are many valid rea­sons to avoid crit­i­cal­ly1 inves­ti­gat­ing the truth-claims of the Church.2 Lack the time, energy, interest, or capability To inves­ti­gate requires time and effort. Most mem­bers are busy rais­ing a fam­i­ly and have many demands on their…

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  • Five Key Facts

    Five Key Facts

    This is a very short sum­ma­ry of what I view as the 5 most impor­tant facts in under­stand­ing alter­na­tive mod­els for LDS truth claims. To the best of my knowl­edge, every point made in this doc­u­ment is accept­ed as fac­tu­al by both LDS and non-LDS schol­ars (please cor­rect me if…

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  • The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years.

    The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years.

    The 1832 First Vision account was suppressed between 11 and ~30 years The evidence LaMar Petersen, an ama­teur Mor­mon his­to­ri­an, met with Levi Young (senior Pres­i­dent of the First Coun­cil of the Sev­en­ty) on Feb­ru­ary 3, 1953, and took these notes: His curios­i­ty was excit­ed when read­ing in Roberts’ Doc. His­to­ry ref­er­ence…

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  • The three-fold nature of the LDS Church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth

    The three-fold nature of the LDS Church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth

    The three-fold nature of the church: corporate, totalistic, and individual-growth bwv549 last updat­ed 2016-06-06 Teach­ings and actions of the Church, its lead­ers, and its mem­bers may be cat­e­go­rized into three promi­nent mind­sets: cor­po­rate, total­is­tic, and indi­vid­ual-growth (aka “growth-mind­set”): There is cer­tain­ly over­lap and inter­play between these mind­sets, but many of…

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  • I Desire to Understand

    I Desire to Understand

    Years ago when my son left the church, I chose to dig deep and find the answers to the dif­fi­cult ques­tions about church his­to­ry and its doctrine. I went into this ven­ture with full con­fi­dence that I would find the faith affirm­ing answers that would help save my son’s eter­nal…

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  • Riding the Wake of 60 Years of the Good Ship Zion

    Riding the Wake of 60 Years of the Good Ship Zion

    It’s Christ­mas­time 2015. I’m 61 years old, a lov­ing hus­band, father of four, grand­fa­ther of nine and — eight months into the Post-Mor­mon por­tion of my life. The past two years of tran­si­tion have been painful, ter­ri­fy­ing, embar­rass­ing, dis­ori­ent­ing but ulti­mate­ly liberating. I am an active, faith­ful, life­time mem­ber of the…

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  • An Evening with Zhenya

    An Evening with Zhenya

    For the LDS Ven­tu­ra Cal­i­for­nia stake Relief Soci­ety on 17 March 1992 In com­mem­o­ra­tion of the 150th anniver­sary of the Relief Society Writ­ten and per­formed by Eugene Kovalenko - Lis­ten to the record­ing of the event using the play but­ton below - https://​mor​mon​band​wag​on​.com/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​m​p​3​/​A​n​E​v​e​n​i​n​g​w​i​t​h​Z​h​e​n​ya.mp3 Program notes for: A journey home to Liahonagrad In song, verse, and story [2015…

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  • Meeting with Maxwell, the Special Witness

    Meeting with Maxwell, the Special Witness

    In 1993 I per­son­al­ly asked Neal Maxwell a ques­tion: “As an apos­tle of the lord Jesus Christ, have you seen the sav­ior?” He was embar­rassed and could not answer that ques­tion, he final­ly told me to read an arti­cle about some­one else’s dream. Many in high posi­tions feign author­i­ty from…

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  • Four Alternatives to Church Policy in Handbook 1, Section 16.13 with “Clarifications”

    Four Alternatives to Church Policy in Handbook 1, Section 16.13 with “Clarifications”

    Over the last two weeks, the LDS church has had their new pol­i­cy on LGBT and LGBT chil­dren leaked, pro­vid­ed an expla­na­tion by Christof­fer­son, then final­ly “clar­i­fied” through a state­ment from the first pres­i­den­cy and com­men­tary from Church Pub­lic Affairs. The church stat­ed that the “ques­tions” regard­ing the pol­i­cy change was…

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  • Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

    Bogus Justifications Behind Church’s New Policies

    The LDS Church released changes to its Hand­book on Novem­ber 5, 2015 in rela­tion to same-sex cou­ples and chil­dren raised by same-sex cou­ples. Specif­i­cal­ly, the Church now pro­hibits chil­dren of same-sex cou­ples from being bap­tized until they are 18 – and only if they move out of their par­ents’ homes, dis­avow…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 12 — Miscellaneous Concerns

    Leaving the Church, Part 12 — Miscellaneous Concerns

    There are many aspects of Mor­mon the­ol­o­gy that can be sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly dis­proven. More­over, some LDS teach­ings lack plau­si­bil­i­ty while oth­ers are sim­ply bizarre. The fol­low­ing are sev­er­al examples. 1. Death Pri­or to the Fall: 2 Nephi 2:22 and Alma 12:23–24 state there was no death of any kind (humans, ani­mals,…

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  • Leaving the Church, Part 11 — Temples & Freemasonry

    Leaving the Church, Part 11 — Temples & Freemasonry

    1. Intro­duc­tion: Out of respect to believ­ing mem­bers, I will not lay out all of my con­cerns with the LDS tem­ple cer­e­mo­ny. How­ev­er, there are cer­tain aspects of the tem­ple that are spo­ken about pub­li­cal­ly by Church lead­ers that are worth dis­cussing in more detail. 2. Sim­i­lar­i­ties between LDS Tem­ple Cer­e­monies…

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