Problems with LDS truth-claims

Before read­ing about the prob­lems, you may want to first con­sid­er the pros and cons of inves­ti­gat­ing the truth-claim data.

Very short summaries

More significant summaries

Other summaries

Addi­tion­al resources and dis­cus­sion can be found at Mor­mon­Think1 and the exmor­mon book­shelf, mor­mon, mor­mon­schol­ar, and exmor­mon subreddits.

Official and Apologetic Resources

Addi­tion­al apolo­getic dis­cus­sion may be found at the lat­ter­day­saints sub­red­dit.

Responses to the CES Letter

The CES Let­ter is the most well-known com­pi­la­tion of prob­lems with LDS truth-claims. Below are respons­es to the CES Let­ter. Where he has respond­ed, I’ve includ­ed a link to the response by Jere­my Run­nells (author of The CES Letter).

General pros/cons of the LDS lifestyle

  1. www​.mor​mon​think​.com is a vast resource for pre­sent­ing and dis­cussing LDS truth-claims. The site states that they are “nei­ther an anti-Mor­mon web­site nor an LDS apol­o­gist web­site”, but the dis­cus­sion and tone is over­whelm­ing­ly crit­i­cal, lest the read­er be mis­eld by this dis­claimer. Regard­less, it is a high­ly use­ful resource as long as the site’s bias is clear­ly appre­ci­at­ed.

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Dave Mack
6 years ago

BWV 549 could you go over my blog.

Its about the Hopewell civ­i­liza­tion breast­plates head plates woven cloth­ing DNA etc match­ing the Nephite Civ­i­liza­tion here are some pop­u­lar post.

My Blog basi­cal­ly states that the Hopewells are the Nephites for many and var­i­ous rea­sons. I think many crit­ics are afraid to tack­le the Hopewell civilization.

Reformed Egypt­ian Four Sur­viv­ing Characters

Arche­o­log­i­cal Evi­dence of the West Sea For­ti­fied Line

Native Amer­i­can Hebrew like temples

Book of Mor­mon Cloth/Clothing

Hill Cumorah Mass Bur­ial Pits and Battlegrounds

Best Book of Mor­mon DNA Evi­dence X2A’J

Book of Mor­mon Swords

There are many more

6 years ago

[…] truth-claims. For instance, I have com­piled a list of prob­lem sum­maries of LDS truth claims: Prob­lem Sum­maries: resources dis­cussing LDS-truth claims, and it includes all the rebut­tals to the prob­lems that I’m aware of. For bal­ance it […]

7 years ago

[…] See Prob­lem Sum­maries: resources dis­cussing LDS-truth claims […]

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