Author: Scott Browne

  • Check Your Premises

    Check Your Premises

    The Shins will change your life. Spo­ken by a young Natal­ie Port­man in the cult indie clas­sic Gar­den State, The Shins real­ly have changed my life, pro­vid­ing a ther­a­peu­tic sound­track to my tran­si­tion out of the church. They have always been a favorite band of mine (cred­it the impec­ca­ble music taste of my…

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  • I’m Still Angry

    I’m Still Angry

    (orig­i­nal post found at www​.most​ly​mor​mon​.com) This is that angry let­ter you write and then tear up, only I’m not going to. Maybe instead I should go to the garage and beat on a punch­ing bag or go shoot some guns, but I don’t own a punch­ing bag and my new­ly devel­oped lib­er­al­ism has me…

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  • What it’s Like to Leave…

    What it’s Like to Leave…

    Brown patch­es in the lawn. Gar­den weeds. Melt­ed bub­ble gum strings draped across my black car bumper. The nag­ging sting of a sun­burn on my shoul­ders. Chil­dren shriek­ing at the cold water erupt­ing from a sprin­kler placed strate­gi­cal­ly beneath a tram­po­line. Proof that life has moved on. Proof that a…

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