Author: John Krok



    For­mer LDS Church his­to­ri­an D Michael Quinn has quot­ed the fol­low­ing remarks giv­en to him dur­ing the course of an inter­view with Elder Boyd K Pack­er, then an Apos­tle of the LDS Church; “I have a hard time with his­to­ri­ans… because they idol­ize the truth. The truth is not uplift­ing;…

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  • The Book of Mormon Came in a Box

    The Book of Mormon Came in a Box

    “There­fore speak I to them in para­bles: because they see­ing see not; and hear­ing they hear not, nei­ther do they understand.” - Matthew 13:13 When I mar­ried my sweet­heart at the age of 19, my jour­ney as a man begun. No more was I to think only of myself, for…

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  • Letter to Bishop & Stake President

    Letter to Bishop & Stake President

    This is my first post so I should intro­duce myself. I met my wife to be, in the last year of high school and mar­ried her when we were both 19. My wife came from an LDS fam­i­ly with her father serv­ing as Bish­op at the time. I was bap­tized…

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