Mor­mon Band­wag­on strives to be a place to safe­ly share alter­na­tive per­spec­tives regard­ing the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter Day Saints.

The LDS/Mormon church encour­ages its mem­bers to con­fi­dent­ly pro­fess a sure knowl­edge of the cor­rect­ness of the church’s truth claims, such as the his­tor­i­cal accu­ra­cy of the Book of Mor­mon. Pro­fess­ing doubt in such claims, while per­mit­ted, is strong­ly dis­cour­aged. In fact, the church encour­ages indi­vid­u­als with doubts to pro­fess cer­tain­ty, even though doing so may not be hon­est (“A tes­ti­mo­ny is to be found in the bear­ing of it!” — Boyd Pack­er).

This per­spec­tive is the inspi­ra­tion for the name “Mor­mon Band­wag­on.” The “band­wag­on” log­i­cal fal­la­cy is to appeal to the fact that many peo­ple do some­thing (or in this case, pro­fess to know some­thing) as an attempt­ed form of validation.

For those that are raised in the church, many of one’s clos­est friends and fam­i­ly reg­u­lar­ly pro­claim that they “know” that the Mor­mon church is the only church with all of the truth. The desire to be part of that “Mor­mon Band­wag­on” cre­ates a strong aver­sion to doubts or ques­tions, as such doubts under­mine the trust placed in the judge­ment of one’s friends and family.

On this web­site, you may not find new, peer-reviewed find­ings or per­haps even com­plete­ly accu­rate infor­ma­tion regard­ing the Mor­mon church. What you will find are the real and hon­est per­spec­tives and feel­ings shared by the author of each sto­ry. By shar­ing, we hope to help oth­ers rec­og­nize that they are not alone in hav­ing doubts regard­ing the church’s truth claims, and that those doubts and ques­tions are not unrea­son­able or baseless. 

All vis­i­tors are wel­come and able to also share their sto­ry. We invite you to add yours! Your sto­ry does not have to be long, detailed, or even well-writ­ten. It only needs to be hon­est and your own. You can add your sto­ry by reg­is­ter­ing and then adding your post, or you can send it to us to post using the con­tact form below. Feel free to use your real name or a pseudonym.

If you are inter­est­ed in read­ing the sto­ries and thoughts expressed here, please con­tin­ue on to the sto­ries or choose a cat­e­go­ry from the menu on the right.

Please con­tact us with any questions: